Mistakes Don’t Disqualify or Decrease Our Value

In this episode:

There was a time when Teresa Janzen thought she was disqualified from serving God. Until she realized we’re all flawed people, and God can repurpose our mistakes and set us on a new path when we surrender to him. Now she’s helping others find grace. 

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Inspired Life

Teresa talked about how she struggled to restart her life with four small children after going through a divorce. She wondered if God would be able to use her in service to fulfill her lifelong dream to be in ministry. When she realized that we all have sin to deal with, it opened her eyes to see that we wear a false front and aren’t open with others.  

We talked about being honest with one another and not wearing a façade being afraid of being excluded because of sin. We are all broken people, and pretending doesn’t help us move forward.  

“How I began to understand grace was when I encountered other people who were willing to share their story of brokenness and be honest, then I found the courage to share my story of brokenness and then how God restored that.”

About Teresa:
Teresa Janzen engages big issues and extends an invitation to thoughtful dialogue on serious topics. More than 20 years’ experience in non-profit administration and global ministry ignites a passion for missional living and drives her to share stories that inspire people to action, joy, and gratitude. 


Life, Repurposed

Teresa talked about moving forward and how support structures matter to someone who is hurting and in crisis. Wherever someone is right now, it’s time to look forward. We cannot change past decisions, but being pinned in the past keeps us stuck.  

Teresa said, whatever situation you’re in, start today and start with God. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. We might have to share some part of our story, and someone else might be the one to decide whether or not we are qualified to serve in ministry. But on the flip side, where there is healing, humility comes along. We can tell our story knowing that Christ has requalified us no matter what has happened in the past.  

Now married to a wonderful Christian man, Teresa has been able to finish her degree, get her master’s, and serve in ministry together. They have a blended family with 8 grown children.

Recommended Resources

Teresa Janzen is the host of the DrawnOnwarD podcast where she features other people’s stories. www.drawnonward.life  

She’s a contributing author in a compilation book:   She Writes for Him: Stories of Living Hope

Teresa mentioned a resource with ChristianDevotion.US 

Life, Repurposed book contains inspiration and wisdom from 34 women with stories of hope and renewed faith amid family struggles, infertility, health challenges, doubt, fear, human trafficking, depression, heartbreak, loss, and more. Discussion questions in each chapter. 

Consider joining our Life, Repurposed Facebook community to build connections and engage in conversation about topics from each episode. 

(Please note: books posted here on my blog are purely because I want to share them. Sometimes I receive free copies for review, and other times I purchase the books. Some I get from the library. Either way, any endorsement I offer here on the blog is simply because I want to talk about the book. )

Michelle Rayburn is the author of The Repurposed and Upcycled Life: When God Turns Trash to Treasure, as well as a small group Bible study to accompany the book. Learn more about these and her other books here. A sample chapter of the book and Bible study are available for free download.

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Posted in Books & Resources, Podcast Episodes.