Speaking and Entertainment

Thank you for your interest in having Michelle speak for your event. It is an honor to be considered! All requests should be directed through this form in order to help with keeping dates and information organized. Thank you kindly!



Need a publicity photo? Please scroll down this page for several options. Need a bio? You'll find one on the about page.

Suggested Events

Women’s Conferences and Retreats | Workshops and Seminars
Banquets or Brunches | Renewal and Outreach Events
Parenting Groups | Writing Groups
Community Events | Corporate Meetings


Biblical & Inspirational Teaching

These presentations and workshops are sure to include scriptural applications to teach and encourage.


Grace for Life's Imperfect Moments

Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God

ReMade – A Life Transformed by  Jesus

Anchored in Hope

The Patchwork of a Woman’s Life

General Audience and Corporate Entertainment

These classes are appropriate for any audience and are designed to inspire and motivate.


10 Tips to Have Your Best Year Yet

Dare to Fly: Why Be a Chicken when You Can Be an Eagle?


Writers Seminars


Indie Publishing Basics

Advanced Indie Publishing

Writing Small Group Discussion Guides and Bible Studies

How to Use Humor in Your Writing

Life Hacks and Tips for Writers

The Ins and Outs of Microsoft Word

Publishing Compilations and Anthologies

Podcasting for Beginners

Publicity Photos

Hi-res print quality versions are linked

If you recently had Michelle speak for your event, we would love your feedback. Please fill out this short feedback form.