In this episode:
This week’s guest, Eric Nevins, was miserable working in a call center for nothing but a paycheck. Or was that all? It turns out, God used his time to give him the skills he would eventually need for his true passion.
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Inspired Life
This week’s guest, Eric Nevins, talked about how God used his time in a call center to give him the skills he would eventually need for podcasting. He was miserable and never thought anything but a paycheck would come from that season of his life. But God had other plans.
Eric says one thing leads to another. Each step takes us closer to where God is leading. Taking the leap from the call center to a calling was terrifying. He wondered if anyone would listen to the show. There were so many uncertainties.
Eric said, “I did all this work. I went to school. I thought that was where you were leading me God and then nothing happened. It didn’t matter how many resumes I sent out or where I sent them. Nothing worked. I look at that now, and think that that was probably God’s provision.
“I wrote in my journal that I thought God might have an unconventional ministry for me. And then I spent the next 15 years trying to have a what I thought was a conventional church-style ministry…He was leading me there that whole time.”
Eric shared a quote from Biz Stone, one of the founders of Twitter. “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.”
About Eric:
Eric Nevins is the Host of Halfway There podcast and founder of Christian Podcasters Association, Eric Nevins loves helping people discover their gifts and uses them. He lives in Denver, CO with his wife of 23 years, their four kids, and a wonder dog.
Life, Repurposed
Eric talked about how he is inspired by stories in the Bible and from other Christians. “Christian community is so important. This is what Scripture is for,” he said. “It’s more about telling how the people of God interact with him. Look at the stories. Go read through the Old Testament.”
“Wherever you are, it’s ok to be there,” he said. “Never stop pursuing new things if you’re not happy where you are, but trust that God is going to lead you to find yourself. Sometimes that takes suffering. Sometimes that takes hardship. But he will show you who you are in Christ. That is what unleashes the power of being a disciple of Christ.”
Recommended Resources
Halfway There is a podcast about honest conversations with ordinary Christians about today's Christian experience. It’s one of my favorites to listen to!
In this episode, Eric mentioned his favorite interview on Halfway There, one he did with John Swanger.
Plus, be sure to check out my own appearance on Halfway There where I talked about my faith journey.
Are you a podcaster? Check out the Christian Podcasters Association Eric Nevins in the founder of the group, and I love the weekly masterminds with other hosts. Want to know more about membership? Send me a message!
Also mentioned in this episode: AW Tozer Pursuit of God
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Michelle Rayburn is the author of The Repurposed and Upcycled Life: When God Turns Trash to Treasure, as well as a small group Bible study to accompany the book. Learn more about these and her other books here. A sample chapter of the book and Bible study are available for free download.
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