In this episode:
Rosie Williams was serving in Christian ministry and working herself to the breaking point while unraveling on the inside. When she promised to spend a minimum of 10 minutes a day for the rest of her life in prayer and Bible study, it changed everything.
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Inspired Life
What started as the treasure of trusting Christ completely in her early years looked more like trash when dealing with difficult life challenges such as secondary PTSD from her Nam vet husband, job stress, and family members who struggled with issues of faith. Rosie was serving in Christian ministry and working herself to the breaking point while unraveling on the inside. A walk down a very long aisle and a promise she made to God changed everything!
Some listeners might ask this question that Rosie mentions in her book:
“I fully believed that God worked in the lives of others, but I didn’t truly believe that God had a purpose and direction for me.”
About Rosie:
Rosie Williams is a Christian author, military non-profit administrator and antique booth owner from Tecumseh, Kansas. She and her Nam vet husband have six grandchildren. Rosie is passionate about teaching women how to study and apply the Bible in order to know Christ in a personal and vibrant way.
Life, Repurposed
Rosie learned how giving 110% wasn’t healthy for her. She didn’t know how to give only 100%, as her counselor suggested. The idea of cutting back to giving 80% and making some margin was foreign to her.
A seminar by Becky Tirabassi, author of Let Prayer Change Your Life, did change Rosie’s life. When she promised to spend a minimum of 10 minutes a day for the rest of her life in prayer and Bible study, it changed everything. Scripture has applied to her life in so many unexpected ways.
“That quiet time should be a shame-free zone. That should be a safe zone.” She said it isn’t something we’re obligated to do to check off a list but something we’re eager to do because we can spend time with God.” —Rosie Williams
I love Rosie’s tip to write a verse that means something to you on a particular day and file that in a box but to also write out a second one to take with you for the day and to share it with someone else when God prompts.
Recommended Resources
Repurposed Faith: Breathing New Life Into Your Quiet Time
What happened?
Life has a way of shaking us up, cluttering our priorities, and shifting our focus. When this occurs, our walk with the Lord is often disrupted. One morning, you wake up and realize there are only embers where once a spiritual fire roared.If you’ve found yourself in this place, don’t be discouraged!
Repurposed Faith is designed to refresh and redirect your priorities back to Christ and His Word. Through intentionally-written daily devotions, you will be prompted to search your heart for the “roadblocks” that have come between you and meaningful time with the Lord. From there, you will be guided back to a place where you connect and glorify God.
Running Away and Finding Home
Nine Pairs of Boots in Vietnam: Steps to Healing Every Veteran Needs to Know
Nine Paris of Boots in Vietnam is a sobering reminder of the internal damage often suffered by combat veterans and others with PTSD.
The real life stories told by the authors, along with the "After Action Review" with nine steps to healing provide practical tools for veterans and family members dealing with PTSD and transitions from military to civilian life.
Learn more about these books at and also discover Rosie’s YouVersion devotions.
Rosie has a free resource: “Has the Pandemic Wrecked Your Quiet Time? Three Tips to Get Back on Track.” Request it by email.
Find Rosie on social media:
Author Page
Military Ministry Page
Antique Booth Page
Consider joining our Life, Repurposed Facebook community to build connections and engage in conversation about topics from each episode.
(Please note: books posted here on my blog are purely because I want to share them. Sometimes I receive free copies for review, and other times I purchase the books. Some I get from the library. Either way, any endorsement I offer here on the blog is simply because I want to talk about the book. )
Michelle Rayburn is the author of The Repurposed and Upcycled Life: When God Turns Trash to Treasure, as well as a small group Bible study to accompany the book. Learn more about these and her other books here. A sample chapter of the book and Bible study are available for free download.
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