A Candid Chat on Planning Ahead for an Empty Nest

Join Michelle and guests Amber Cullum (Grace Enough Podcast) and Amy Fritz  (Untangled Faith Podcast) in a candid and emotional conversation about planning for an empty nest. As midlife moms with kids at various stages, they share their thoughts, fears, and hopes about their children growing up and leaving home. From navigating the transition to preparing for empty nesting, this episode offers relatable insights and genuine conversations about the next chapter in parenting. Tune in for an honest and heartfelt discussion on Life Repurposed. Then hop over to liferepurposed.me to have a conversation about your questions and fears.


Michelle Rayburn is an author and podcast host who helps others find hope in the trashy stuff of life. She has an MA in ministry leadership and writes Christian living books, humor, and Bible studies. Together with her husband, they've raised two sons and gained two daughters-in-law—plus three granddaughters (go estrogen team!) and a grandson. Dark chocolate, an iced coffee, and a good book in the hammock top Michelle's favorites list.

Show Notes

In the latest episode of "Life Repurposed," Michelle Rayburn and guests Amy Fritz and Amber Cullum engage in a candid and emotional conversation about the prospect of empty nesting. This discussion provides diverse perspectives on preparing for the eventual departure of children from the home, offering valuable insights and relatable experiences.

Amid laughter and shared vulnerability, the friends explore their thoughts and emotions about the upcoming empty nest phase, acknowledging the difficulty of envisioning life without their children at home. Amber, a mother of younger children, expresses her struggle with change, while Amy, whose oldest child is in college, grapples with mixed feelings and the challenges of this transition. The conversation dives deep into the emotional complexities of preparing for an empty nest, shedding light on the fears, hopes, and adjustments that come with this major life change.

Michelle also touches on issues such as the impact of parenting on personal identity and relationships, the importance of maintaining connection with spouses, and the emotional responses within partnerships to the prospect of children leaving home.

You're invited into this heartfelt and relatable dialogue, gaining valuable insights and reassurance as they navigate their own journeys toward empty nesting. The conversation provides encouragement for parents to embrace change, to invest in their relationships with spouses, and to consider their own identities beyond the role of parenting.

Tackling the topic from varied stages of parenting, "Life Repurposed" offers a poignant and insightful reflection on the evolving dynamics of family life. Whether you're on the brink of an empty nest or in the midst of parenting young children, this episode provides a meaningful exploration of the emotions and challenges surrounding this universal life stage.


Grace Enough Podcast with Amber Cullum

Untangled Faith Podcast with Amy Fritz

Empty Nest, Full Life Facebook group (Jill Savage) mentioned in the show

Book: Empty Nest, Full Life by Jill Savage

Life Repurposed interview with Jill Savage

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Life Repurposed is where midlife meets inspiration, practical guidance, and renewed purpose amid life’s evolving chapters. We navigate faith questions and messy, uncertain twists with humor and a commitment to pursue treasure, even in the trashy stuff.

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