Show Notes

From Rules to Grace
Episode Description Episode 200 is Michelle’s faith story from her upbringing in a faith-driven family to her tumultuous struggle with living up to religious standards. The raw testimony touches on her time at a Christian school, navigating conflicting perspectives, and ultimately finding her own path in faith. Ultimately, we’re all on an intersecting journey of growing and changing. One of the most poignant moments is Michelle's reflection on her college years, where she embraced spiritual activities but also grappled with judgmental attitudes and numbers-oriented evangelism—expressing regret for her past mindset. Despite the challenges, she shares how her faith journey led to a transformative shift in her understanding of grace and love. Michelle's candid revelation about identifying with the Pharisee in the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector is a turning point, shaping her views on compassion and grace. The episode provides a raw and uncontrived portrayal of faith, showcasing Michelle's process of untangling old beliefs while firmly holding onto her love for Jesus. Her journey of growth and self-reflection resonates with the audience, as she vulnerably exposes her internal conflicts, pride, and past judgmental tendencies, ultimately embracing the transformative power of love and grace in her life. Michelle's testimony is a compelling reminder that faith is a journey of introspection, evolution, and resilience. Her unfiltered narrative invites listeners to embrace the imperfections and complexities of their own faith journeys, while remaining rooted in love and compassion. It's a powerful testament to the repurposing of life through faith, as Michelle's story exemplifies the profound impact of remaining in Jesus and producing love as a result. Life Repurposed Substack Magazine and Bonuses Life Repurposed is where midlife meets inspiration, practical guidance, and renewed purpose amid life’s evolving chapters. We navigate faith questions and messy, uncertain twists with humor and a commitment Read more

Rediscovering Your Place in the Pew
What does it really mean to belong in church? When do you know if you've found a church home? Michelle Rayburn discusses this and also briefly mentions a social media post from author and speaker Mary Demuth, who shared her own definition of a spiritual refugee, and the importance of finding a place where we can be vulnerable and truly belong in a church community. Michelle talks about the key factors that contribute to feeling at home in a church community, and how to overcome the barriers to connection in order to find belonging and build meaningful relationships. Whether you're searching for your spiritual home or have found it, this episode will resonate with you. Show Notes In the latest episode of Life Repurposed, host Michelle Rayburn explores the topic of finding our place and feeling at home within a church community. Addressing the crucial importance of creating an authentic and supportive environment within church settings, the episode emphasizes the significance of spiritual growth, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging. It briefly references a post from Mary Demuth, who candidly shares her experience of feeling like a spiritual refugee. Read that post here. The episode illustrates the journey toward finding a place of vulnerability and belonging within a church community. Embracing the essential qualities of inclusivity, diversity, meaningful relationships, and shared values and purpose, the content brings to light the transforming power of finding belonging. Explore the delicate balance between vulnerability and guardedness, and learn how to overcome barriers to connection through self-awareness, self-compassion, and gradual steps toward vulnerability. Michelle Rayburn gives practical advice on engaging in shared experiences, practicing active listening, and fostering a sense of belonging and connection within a church community. The episode serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of finding a place where Read more

Is Critical Thinking Dead?
Is critical thinking dead? It doesn't have to be! In this episode of Life Repurposed, we're diving into the world of critical thinking and its profound impact on life, culture, Bible study, faith, and spirituality. Host Michelle Rayburn unpacks the importance of engaging with scripture in a discerning way, exploring diverse perspectives, and understanding historical and cultural contexts to avoid misinterpretation. But the conversation doesn't stop there. We'll also explore the surprising link between critical thinking and resilience to doubt and uncertainty, as well as the misconception that it challenges deeply held beliefs. Join us as we embrace the complexity of faith and reason, and discover the power of curiosity, the joy of discovery, and the diverse perspectives that enrich our understanding of scripture. Michelle Rayburn is an author and podcast host who helps others find hope in the trashy stuff of life. She has an MA in ministry leadership and writes Christian living books, humor, and Bible studies. Together with her husband, they've raised two sons and gained two daughters-in-law—plus three granddaughters (go estrogen team!) and a grandson. Dark chocolate, an iced coffee, and a good book in the hammock top Michelle's favorites list. Show Notes In the latest episode of Life Repurposed, host Michelle Rayburn discusses critical thinking in Bible study and its broader implications for faith, personal growth, and society as a whole. Crucially, critical thinking goes beyond merely accepting the words on a page and instead involves engaging with the text in a discerning way, questioning assumptions, and evaluating diverse interpretations and translations. One of the key takeaways from the episode is the importance of examining personal biases and being open to diverse perspectives to deepen our understanding of scripture. By understanding historical and cultural contexts, listeners are encouraged to avoid misinterpretation and embrace new ideas Read more

Challenging Gender Roles in the Church: Empowering Women in Leadership and Ministry
As we journey through life, our perspectives and beliefs undergo a transformation, often challenging long-held traditions and assumptions. In Episode 197 of "Life Repurposed," host Michelle Rayburn shares her personal journey of challenging traditional beliefs about biblical manhood and womanhood. Reflecting on her own evolving perspective and the influence of influential books, she explores the need for open dialogue and understanding within faith communities, particularly regarding women's leadership in the church. Michelle offers practical steps for empowering women and emphasizes the importance of embracing diverse gifts for shared leadership. Michelle Rayburn is an author and podcast host who helps others find hope in the trashy stuff of life. She has an MA in ministry leadership and writes Christian living books, humor, and Bible studies. Together with her husband, they've raised two sons and gained two daughters-in-law—plus three granddaughters (go estrogen team!) and a grandson. Dark chocolate, an iced coffee, and a good book in the hammock top Michelle's favorites list. Show Notes This week, host Michelle Rayburn explores the deeply personal and evolving journey of challenging traditional gender roles and beliefs within the context of biblical teachings. Through introspection and scholarly exploration, she reflects on her own journey of growth, influenced by various books and authors who have questioned and challenged the prevailing notions of biblical manhood and womanhood. Michelle shares her initial influence by the Danvers Statement on biblical manhood and womanhood and how it impacted her views as a newlywed in the late eighties. She discusses the transformative impact of books like "Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood" by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, "Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood" by Aimee Bird, "On Purpose" by Julie Zine Coleman, and "The Making of Biblical Womanhood" by Beth Allison Barr. These readings challenged her long-held beliefs, instigating a profound period Read more

A Candid Chat on Planning Ahead for an Empty Nest
Join Michelle and guests Amber Cullum (Grace Enough Podcast) and Amy Fritz  (Untangled Faith Podcast) in a candid and emotional conversation about planning for an empty nest. As midlife moms with kids at various stages, they share their thoughts, fears, and hopes about their children growing up and leaving home. From navigating the transition to preparing for empty nesting, this episode offers relatable insights and genuine conversations about the next chapter in parenting. Tune in for an honest and heartfelt discussion on Life Repurposed. Then hop over to to have a conversation about your questions and fears.   Michelle Rayburn is an author and podcast host who helps others find hope in the trashy stuff of life. She has an MA in ministry leadership and writes Christian living books, humor, and Bible studies. Together with her husband, they've raised two sons and gained two daughters-in-law—plus three granddaughters (go estrogen team!) and a grandson. Dark chocolate, an iced coffee, and a good book in the hammock top Michelle's favorites list. Show Notes In the latest episode of "Life Repurposed," Michelle Rayburn and guests Amy Fritz and Amber Cullum engage in a candid and emotional conversation about the prospect of empty nesting. This discussion provides diverse perspectives on preparing for the eventual departure of children from the home, offering valuable insights and relatable experiences. Amid laughter and shared vulnerability, the friends explore their thoughts and emotions about the upcoming empty nest phase, acknowledging the difficulty of envisioning life without their children at home. Amber, a mother of younger children, expresses her struggle with change, while Amy, whose oldest child is in college, grapples with mixed feelings and the challenges of this transition. The conversation dives deep into the emotional complexities of preparing for an empty nest, shedding light on the fears, Read more