
When Plan A Isn’t an Option

What happens when life doesn’t go the way you’ve planned, when your plan A is no longer part of the picture? It’s hard to embrace plan B, and maybe we don’t like it at all, but resilience has a lot to do with how we frame our thinking. In this issue, we talk about facing adversity, finding hope, and discovering resilience.

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From Nine to Five to Thriving Artist

Are you working 9 to 5 and not feeling fulfilled in the work you do? Do you long for more than just a paycheck? What if you could start over and pursue what you really want to do? Discover how pursuing a new dream doesn’t have to equal becoming a starving artist.

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She’s Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer

Cancer came unexpectedly and Joanie put life on hold, paused her career as a nurse, and in days was headed for surgery. In the aftermath of chemo and cancer, Joanie is a survivor. She now supports others going through the journey, and has published a book, In Her Shoes: Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer to encourage women and equip them with Scripture, hope and resources.

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Friend or Fixer

Sometimes friends pile a lot of shoulds on each other. Have you caught yourself telling someone what they ought to do, rather than listening? Are you tired of being the one that others heap their shoulds on? Learn tips for how to learn to be a friend rather than a fixer, and how to reply when someone tries to fix you. Also discover a small group resource that you and your friends might want to consider.

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Procrastinator No More: New Habits that Lead to Success

Explore why we procrastinate and learn seven tips for breaking the habits that lead to unproductive behaviors. You’ll be encouraged to think about how putting something off might take longer than actually doing it, and get links to more than three resources to get you started with new habits.

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Positivity Within Reality

Our world needs more positive things such as kindness, grace, love, encouragement. But there is also a growing fear of expressing anything that isn’t positive. In this issue, you’ll learn about positivity and why we need to have a balance between true positivity and reality, and how to frame it so we are not suppressing real feelings. You’ll also get to know a woman who realized that what she thought was truth turned out to be a great deception, and hear how she’s spreading a new message.

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