Uncluttered: Free from Overwhelm

Is your schedule crammed? Your space full of too much stuff? Your soul overwhelmed with too much of everything? Author Courtney Ellis makes a guest appearance to talk about a simpler life based on the idea that less is more. Courtney is funny and witty and so honest about her own struggles in a way that encourages us to believe we can find the same freedom she has.

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Take a Break

Do you ever feel as if you’re always running and never have time to rest? When was the last time you took a day to refresh? I’ll use my own struggle as exhibit A for why a sabbath is important, and I’ll share some resources with ideas for how to give yourself a break.

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When Plan A Isn’t an Option

What happens when life doesn’t go the way you’ve planned, when your plan A is no longer part of the picture? It’s hard to embrace plan B, and maybe we don’t like it at all, but resilience has a lot to do with how we frame our thinking. In this issue, we talk about facing adversity, finding hope, and discovering resilience.

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From Nine to Five to Thriving Artist

Are you working 9 to 5 and not feeling fulfilled in the work you do? Do you long for more than just a paycheck? What if you could start over and pursue what you really want to do? Discover how pursuing a new dream doesn’t have to equal becoming a starving artist.

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