The Bright Side of Gray Hair and Chin Fuzz

There could be a silver lining in growing older and turning silver. It could be a perspective change about how we think about challenges that are out of our control, or it might be the ability to laugh in the face of wrinkles and chin hairs. Either way, joy is where we look for it.

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10 Ways to Find Peace, Resilience, and Hope When Life Feels Out of Control

We can love others and bring glory to God even when unexpected circumstances shake us up. A repurposed life is one that is driven by a different approach to interruptions and crisis. It is one where there is peace when the “normal” response might be panic. It’s where resilience takes priority over resentment. This is the life where hope triumphs over hysteria. Ten tips for how to hold on to hope and peace and discover the source of resilience in hard times.

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