Relation-Tips Part 1: 4 Little Words to Never Say

There is a lot of stuff going on in our world right now. This means a lot of opportunities to argue, for people to follow their gut and then make a mistake, for not being prepared enough for financial stress, and for choices that could lead to consequences. In relationships, it’s often tempting to say, “I told you so” when someone else messes up. But what if we flipped the script to 4 other little words? I still love you. Whether it’s related to a pandemic, an election, a cause, or a disagreement, we have the opportunity to love. And that’s […]

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Nothing Is Wasted: Trash Repurposed for Good

I’d rather laugh about what I can’t change instead of grumbling about it. I’ll aim to embrace hard times as an opportunity for God’s power to shine, even if that isn’t my first reaction. This week I talk about one man in the Bible who understood God’s ability to repurpose circumstances in a mind-blowing way.

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The Bright Side of Gray Hair and Chin Fuzz

There could be a silver lining in growing older and turning silver. It could be a perspective change about how we think about challenges that are out of our control, or it might be the ability to laugh in the face of wrinkles and chin hairs. Either way, joy is where we look for it.

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