Books & Resources

From Depression and Anxiety to Hope and Healing

In this episode, I sit down with Dena Dyer, author of Wounded Women of the Bible: Finding Hope When Life Hurts. She shares her journey through postpartum depression and is so vulnerable in telling her story. Listen in to learn how to find hope and healing in the midst of depression and anxiety.

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Reclaiming Christmas: Ways to Make the Holidays Special in a Pandemic

This episode is packed with ideas for fun and creative things you can do with friends and family from a distance. If your pandemic holiday needs something a lot more interesting than a video chat, you’ll want to check it out. Plus, an Advent resource from author Jane Rubietta, and a secret discount offer on one of my books hidden in the episode. It’s a must-listen episode!

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Tips to Prepare Your Mindset and Home for a Pandemic Christmas

Author Stephenie Hovland returns this week to talk about how she changed her mindset about Christmas from “If you can’t do it all, do more” to a more balanced approach. We also discussed how we can prepare now for the necessary celebration changes in a pandemic. There’s a giveaway this week and some great resources.

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How Do We Move Forward?

How do we move forward in a culture where we disagree, where we are deeply discouraged, and where tension is off the charts? We have choice in how we contribute to conversations and in how we adjust our own attitudes. Also, you don’t want to miss this week’s resource that asks the question: what if Jesus was serious in what he taught?

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What You Do Today Matters

Sue Donaldson says, “Surrender every day. We have disappointments, but we surrender over and over.” On this week’s episode, we talked about how she walked through a period of doubt and how God brought her through that in steps that surprised her. We also talked about how taking the next step is where faith comes in.

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Helping Shut-Ins Not Feel Shut Out

Being shut in doesn’t have to mean being shut out. In this episode, author Kathy Carlton Willis and I chat about how she’s made the most of needing to stay isolated during COVID-19 and how she’s made it into a ministry to others. Get practical ideas for how you can serve someone who’s shut in at home.

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Change One Thing

If you had to choose just one thing for your next step, what would it be? What if a tiny pivot could change your direction and help you finish up the year 2020 strong and heading toward a better life?

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Coping with Overwhelm to Restore Sanity

Does it sometimes feel as if you’re one mini-crisis from capsizing? These are days where people feel overwhelmed by the level of stress that has become part of everyday life. What do we do with the overwhelm? In this podcast episode, I talk about how we can be aware and give ourselves and others more grace in difficult times.

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Mended Relationships Between Mother and Daughter

In this episode, I talk with daughter and mom, Blythe Daniel and Dr. Helen McIntosh, about experiencing restoration and healed hearts in broken mother-daughter relationships. They talk about their book, Mended, and share their story of how Helen turned a difficult childhood into a ministry.

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