Books & Resources

From Fear to Freedom and Purpose

Linda Kruschke lived trapped in fear because of the trauma she’d experienced in the past. But when she let the secrets out and spoke freely, she started hearing “me too” long before #MeToo was a hashtag. This week, she talks about her journey to living fearlessly.

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Hidden Potential, Even in Failure

When we surrender our failures to him, God can bring out the best in us! If you’ve ever felt less-than because of failure, be sure to tune in for wise words from Wendy Pope to discover your hidden potential.

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Qualities That Make a Great Friendship

You probably have an inner circle of close friends, but have you paused to think of what qualities make your dearest friendships work? In this episode, you’ll be encouraged to reflect on those relationships and look for ways to become a better friend as well.

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History and His Story Are in God’s Hands

What would happen if we made it our goal to be the exception when it comes to negative opinions about Christians? That’s exactly what Chris Staron does. He’s also living out his faith as he studies history for his podcast episodes while trusting God for his future steps.

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The Impact of Grace: Hope Holds Strong

What do we do when life has so many uncertainties, when scary diagnoses threaten our peace, or when everything feels upside down? My guest Nancy Kay Grace knows, and she runs to God. This week, we talk about her recurring diagnosis of tongue cancer and how God has taught her to pursue his grace above all.

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